Working From Home: Can I Go Back to Work Yet?

It has been a crazy couple of weeks, but luckily, as a technology company with cloud-based systems, we at were well positioned to make the seamless transition from working in the office to working from home. Now that our teams are safely set up at home, their work life got a whole lot more interesting! We thought it would be fun to check-in on some of the fun new workspaces and “new co-workers” from across the Cars For Sale team.

New Workspaces

Having to move your job into your home is not something that happens every day. Some employees already had an awesome gaming station setup that was easily converted for work with a desk, multiple monitors, custom computer hardware, and surrounding decorations to their liking. Others have had to be more inventive with different furniture, kitchen counters and even a few board game boxes for monitor stands? I mean if it works, it works! Here are just a few of our favorites.

Transitioning to work from home has actually been pretty great considering the circumstances. I am lucky enough to have my own office so I can get to work when I need to but can also go out and say hi to the family and have some lunch with them. I do miss the face to face interaction with co-workers but could definitely get used to working from home.

– Zyon, Sales 

New Co-workers

Another exciting difference to the Cars For Sale team’s work experience is the introduction of some “new co-workers”. There are kids playing loudly indoors, complaining about their homework, and just trying anything to get their parent’s attention. In some cases, pets are forcibly cuddling their favorite people or making a mess somewhere else in the home. While home life might be a little chaotic right now, trying to balance work with family, it is also a blessing to spend time with loved ones safely. Let’s take a look at who is working next to our employees.

I enjoy not having to drive across town, because I’m not a fan of driving. Sometimes I think my 2 cats want their space back, but they do enjoy the extra attention they get from mom being home all day.

– Angel, Dealer Relations 

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