A Pi Day at Cars For Sale Unlike Any Other
Nobody expected a celebration when they walked into the Cars For Sale building on March 14, 2022, but that’s just what they got. They also didn’t know how messy it was about to get for some of them!
After a San Francisco mathematician started celebrating π, the irrational number and mathematical constant, by eating an actual pie back in 1988, the craze caught on. Since π equates to about 3.14, March 14 has become a day to eat pie.
Cars For Sale employees celebrated accordingly: with pies for an after-lunch dessert, and for those taking part in an afternoon pie-eating contest!

At noon, over a dozen pies were put out near the break area for anyone who wanted a slice (or two). Flavors ranged from blueberry, peach, and apple pies to French chocolate silk and banana cream pies.
After employees filed through to eat their bit of sugary goodness, they later gathered for the first annual pie eating contest!

Before the contest started, each pie was weighed. After that, seven brave members of the Cars For Sale team, who were hungry for competition, put goggles on their faces, ponchos on their torsos, and clasped their hands behind their backs. Then, they dug in!
For five minutes, they chomped down on the chocolate pie, which was topped with whipped cream and chocolate shavings. In front of a crowd of a couple dozen coworkers, those seven entrants ate as much as they could, all hoping to win an Amazon gift card and the recognition of being the pie eating contest champion.

Some dove right in. Some took a more methodical approach, working around the edges and then shifting to the top layer of their pies. Others focused solely on clearing their plate. More than one competitor paused for a few seconds, every now and then, to get in a gulp of water. Chris Y., from IT Support, couldn’t even see what was in front of him because whipped topping and chocolate pie covered his goggles entirely.
The crowd of coworkers counted down the final seconds of the competition, giving the contestants a round of applause for their efforts.
When what was left of the pies were weighed, John H. won the gift card, bragging rights, and a framed certificate of recognition. For those who didn’t win, there are 364 days ahead to practice for the next Cars For Sale pie eating contest.